Green foothills Racha about 25 km away from the city. It is a wild one in the city's lakes. And the one where most of the world, with an area of ​​5000 hectares was established in 2521 by reforestation of degraded into a green leg up. There are over 300 species of animals in the audience, most of which are located in spacious natural conditions to suit the habits of animals and offers visitors the opportunity to watch closely. Has brought the animals at night.

Tel. 0-3831-8444 Fax. 0-3831-8400

Open from 08.00 - 18.00.

The Thailand 100 baht for children 20 baht for foreigners 300 foreign children (height less than 130 cm) 50 baht 100 baht Kids (up to 130 cm) 50 baht (those aged 60 years or more disabilities. monks are free) Moto 10 baht to 50 baht bus up to 60 baht.

- Night Safari at 1 to around 18.00 adult admission is 200 baht to 100 baht for children - play golf cart rentals, driving along Route 350 baht / hour (Car Auto tramways complimentary).